Subdivisions MIDI Tool for Ableton Live 12


Requires Ableton Live 12 and up with Max For Live installed.

Subdivisions is a Max for Live transformation MIDI tool for Ableton Live 12, designed for changing the properties of notes depending on their positions on the grid. It will only apply changes to notes with a starting time close to a chosen subdivision value, like 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, etc., and they can be the odd notes (on-beat), the even notes (off-beat) or both.

The properties changes available are pitch, velocity, position, duration, chance and velocity deviation. They can be applied in Relative, Absolute or Randomize Modes. This MIDI tool can also delete, mute or unmute the selected notes with additional conditions.

Subdivisions is useful to add feel to MIDI clips, by having precise control of the separation between the on-beats and the off-beats (swing), and the dynamics between them.

You can make a clip groove, accent certain notes, move the 2’s and 4’s ahead or behind the beat, quantize the starting and ending time of the notes separately, make two MIDI clips “play in the pocket”, and more. With MIDI clips on a loop, Subdivisions can apply chance and velocity deviation only to the off-beats for example, leaving the on-beats without changes or with different values.

Watch Subdivisions Overview

Subdivisions versus Find and Select MIDI Notes

Ableton Live 12.1 introduced the new feature Find and Select MIDI Notes. It adds a workflow for selecting notes in the MIDI Note Editor, including searching for specific notes using different filters, like by a time range and notes count (similar to what Subdivisions can do). Although this new feature in Ableton Live 12.1 is really helpful for many things, there are a couple of advantages when using Subdivisions for transforming specific notes:

  1. Subdivisions MIDI tool gives quick access to select the notes and change six of their parameters. Instead of moving the mouse pointer around the clip view editor, with Subdivisions you go to one single panel, select the notes and apply the changes right there.
  2. Subdivisions MIDI tool has a great precision when selecting the notes, specially when they were recorded in realtime with no quantization. The Range parameter in Subdivisions helps to select the notes that are a little off from the subdivision line on the grid. When you try to do the same using with the Time filter in Find and Select MIDI Notes, some of the notes that are a little ahead of the grid line can be missed by the filter and it can only go down to a 1/16 range. Alternatively, with Subdivisions you can filter down to 1/64 and decide how much precision you want for the notes selection.
  3. Subdivisions MIDI tool can change the parameters of notes in Relative, Absolute and Randomize Modes, plus there’s an option to delete or mute notes with specified conditions.
  4. If you select notes using the Find and Select MIDI notes and then move the positions of those notes to manually create a swing effect, you’ll find that the adjacent notes can disappear when they overlap. With Subdivisions you won’t have this problem, because the selected notes will shorten their end times automatically without affecting the adjacent notes.

Watch Transforming Arpeggios with Subdivisions



New AudioSwift Mixer Script for Ableton Live

I’ve released a new Ableton Live Script for the Mixer Mode in AudioSwift. AudioSwift Mixer Script (AMS) adds better control of the mixing section in Ableton Live using simple touch gestures on a trackpad. It works with the recent released AudioSwift version 2.3.7 beta and it has been tested in Ableton Live 10, 11 and the new 12 version.

Previously, AudioSwift in Mixer Mode worked with the Mackie Control protocol (MCU). The protocol had a couple of limitations like clicking on a track and focusing the trackpad controller to that track. We can now select any track and the controller will be focused. We can even select a device parameter, and it will automatically map the parameter to the trackpad fader. The script also adds a couple of key shortcuts for commands in Ableton Live.

Download the script and the current AudioSwift Beta version

Use the AudioSwift Mixer Script for controlling faders and panning, while you can work with our previous AudioSwift Control Script for controlling multiple macros and device parameters at the same time. Both scripts will improve your workflow in Ableton Live, especially if you work mobile with a MacBook. Check out the video tutorial below on how to configure the AudioSwift Mixer Script in Ableton Live.


Mixer Mode Support for Digital Performer and LUNA

With the introduction of AudioSwift version 2.3.7 Beta, the Mixer Mode now supports two more digital audio workstations: Digital Performer by MOTU and LUNA by Universal Audio. We can now control up to two faders at the same time plus the panning inside these DAWs, using simple touch gestures on a trackpad.

Download the current AudioSwift Beta version

MOTU Digital Performer

Digital Performer is a well-established DAW amongst media composers. Its version 11 has many improvements with the Mackie Control protocol (MCU) and it works great with AudioSwift. I made a video tutorial on how to configure the Mixer Mode in Digital Performer 11.

Universal Audio LUNA

LUNA has become popular as a DAW of choice for mobile audio recordings. Now with AudioSwift in Mixer Mode, you can set the faders easily for a quick mix using a trackpad. Check out the video tutorial below to configure the Mixer Mode in LUNA.

A Surround Controller for your Trackpad & Magic Mouse

In the latest release of AudioSwift version 2.3.6 Beta, I added a new option to use the trackpad or the touch surface of the Magic Mouse, as a Surround Controller for Pro Tools and Logic Pro. This update is free for all users and I wrote guides to set it up. Click the links below to download.

If you’re new to AudioSwift, it’s an app for macOS that transforms your trackpad and the touch surface of a Magic Mouse into MIDI controllers. By taping the trackpad with a four or five finger tap gesture, or by pressing a hotkey for the Magic Mouse, we activate AudioSwift to send MIDI using touches on the surface of the device. After we finish, we press the Esc key.

AudioSwift comes with different controller modes and tools we can use for mixing, add expression to virtual instruments, make beats, MPE and more. One of these controller modes is the XY Mode, and now it has the option to set a trackpad or Magic Mouse as a wireless touch controller for the surround panner in Pro Tools and Logic Pro, to speed up the mixing workflow. We’ll work with different views for the trackpad and Magic Mouse via key shortcuts depending on the parameters we need to control.

Pro Tools

With Pro Tools we set AudioSwift in the Peripherals section as a SurroundPanner MIDI controller. All parameters in the surround panner can be controlled from the trackpad and Magic Mouse except Height and Size. This is due to a limitation with the SurroundPanner protocol that AudioSwift uses to connect with Pro Tools.

Here is a video showing an overview of how it works with Pro Tools and a Magic Mouse.

Logic Pro

With Logic Pro we use a third-party driver to map most of the parameters of the 3D Object and Surround Panner. We also need to manually assign some parameters in the Controller Assignments window in Logic Pro to complete the configuration.

Here is a video using a Magic Mouse as the controller in Logic Pro.

I want to thank AudioSwift users Yushu Bao and Curtis Macdonald for their feedback and testing this new feature.

If you want to try it out, click the links below.

Get AudioSwift Beta

Download User Guides

MPE Modifier – A New MaxForLive Device

UPDATED – May 7th, 2024

MPE Modifier is a free MaxForLive device that does two simple tasks. It changes the incoming Slide and Pressure MPE messages into Control Change messages per voice, and also replicates global messages like ModWheel, Pitch Bend, and Aftertouch to all MIDI channels. The new version 1.1 adds the option to change the Slide to Press messages.

I designed this device to be used with the MPE Trackpad option in AudioSwift, but it should work with any MPE controller like Ableton Push 3. I also did it with U-he synths in mind, but feel free to use it with other virtual instrument plugins that don’t have full MPE support and work with multichannel MIDI, like Native Instruments Kontakt or Spectrasonics Omnisphere.

The main idea of MPE Modifier is to change the default MPE messages to other CC numbers the virtual instrument usually works with. Also, any other MPE MaxForLive device before the instrument will keep responding to the default Slide CC74 and Pressure messages.

Before designing MPE Modifier…

U-he synths like Hive and Diva are multichannel but don’t have full MPE support. They don’t usually work with the MPE standard Slide CC74. All of their patches have parameters mapped by default to CC1 (ModWheel), CC2 (Ctrl A) or CC11 (Ctrl B). We would need to manually map those parameters to CC74 inside the plugin or change the CC number sent in the MPE controller. Both workarounds come with limitations, specially changing the CC inside the controller, since we can’t later edit the MIDI clip envelopes per voice if the CC number recorded is not the default Slide CC74.

The other problem is with global messages that apply to all notes or voices. The MPE standard uses a Manager Channel (MIDI channel 1), to send the global ModWheel, Pitch Bend, and Aftertouch messages. U-he synths don’t use this Manager Channel and don’t apply the messages to the notes played in the Member Channels (MIDI Channels 2 to 16). Instead, the synths only apply these types of messages if they come in the same Member Channel as the Notes On/Off.

Welcome MPE Modifier!

Here is a video using the MPE Modifier with Diva and Arpex, an expressive MPE arpeggiator device designed by Mark Towers and sold on IsotonikStudios.

AudioSwift is sending the standard Slide CC74 and Pressure messages via X and Y axes on the trackpad. Arpex is only reading Slide CC74 to add octaves notes to the pattern. Pressure is passed thru to the MPE Modifier, which changes the messages to CC1 or ModWheel. Diva then uses CC1 to modulate the filter cutoff frequency.

If you want to try MPE Modifier, AudioSwift for macOS or get Arpex, please click the links below (Arpex is an affiliate link). And when you try AudioSwift, make sure to download our latest beta version, which includes a special Ableton Live Control Script for macros using your trackpad.

SPECIAL NOTE: Sustain is another global message sent through the Manager Channel. However, depending on your current Ableton Live version, sending Sustain to all Member Channels could not work and could cause the notes to hang on. If this happens, disable the virtual instrument or press the stop button several times. This is not a bug of MPE Modifier. As of this writing, MPE Modifier was tested with Ableton Live 11.3.12 and sending sustain to all channels doesn’t work.

New in version 1.1:

  • Adds option to transform Slide messages to Press messages.

Version 1.0:

  • First version.

Download MPE Modifier

Get Arpex at IsotonikStudios

Try AudioSwift for Free


macOS Ventura Compatibility

AudioSwift 2.3.0 is compatible!

AudioSwift, the macOS app that transforms the trackpad into a set of MIDI tools like sliders, XY pads and triggers, is compatible with the current macOS Ventura 13.0.1. We also tested AudioSwift beta version 2.3.2, which includes new features we’ve been developing and it works fine. We don’t recommend updating to macOS Ventura until you make sure your DAW and third-party plugins are fully compatible.

Try Out These New Features In Beta

UPDATED – December 17, 2024

I’ve been working on new features for AudioSwift version 3. I’ll be releasing what I have so far in beta versions, so users can try it out and implement these features in their workflow. Please, bookmark this page for future updates. Download the current beta version from the link below and watch the video tutorials.

If it’s your first time using AudioSwift, make sure to follow these steps before running the app.

IMPORTANT! – Before installing this beta version, please save your current AudioSwift settings and copy your license key code in a safe place. This is just a precaution if we need to go back to a previous stable version.

Download Version 2.3.9 Beta, Ableton Live Tools & Surround Guides

What’s new in version 2.3.9 Beta?

Version 2.3.9 Beta
  • New Studio One support in Mixer Mode using the PreSonus FaderPort (2018) script instead of MCU (Mackie Control). Now you can select any track in the project and AudioSwift will be focused on that track. To set it up, go to AudioSwift > Preferences > Mixer tab and select Studio One FP as the Primary DAW in port 1. Then add PreSonus – Faderport (2018) in Studio One > Preferences > External Devices, and set AudioSwift 1 port for both input and output. Delete the old Mackie Control device if you previously had one configured for AudioSwift. Limitations:
    • The second fader in View 3 is not supported.
    • Sends, Jog Wheel and Master Fader are not supported.
    • The track names and dB values are not displayed in the Console and Trackpad windows.
  • Adds option to reset the faders and panning to default in Mixer Mode by using Force Touch. Move a fader or pan while applying pressure to the trackpad and lift the finger quickly. Reseting the pan with Force Touch is not supported in Pro Tools.
  • Adds option to keep using the MIDI keys while AudioSwift’s key shortcuts are disabled.
  • Changes key shortcuts for MIDI Keys. For octaves, use Z and X. For velocities , use C and V.
  • Fixes aftertouch messages reseting to a value of zero when using Force Touch.
  • Changes the minimum requirement to macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
  • Fixes other minor bugs.

Version 2.3.8 Beta?


  • New Snapshots feature for changing to specific views/banks and Controller Modes using key shortcuts 1 to 0, or recalling them with Program Change Messages from the DAW. Snapshots also allows to set the Console to a specific MIDI channel and velocity value.
  • Adds option to copy the labels from a Drum Rack in Ableton Live to the pad labels in Trigger Mode. It requires the AudioSwift Control Script for Ableton Live.
  • Adds option to load specific settings from a preset file.
  • Adds list in the main menu for the most recent presets loaded.


Version 2.3.7 Beta

Watch video tutorials for Digital Performer and LUNA

Watch video tutorial for AudioSwift Mixer Script for Ableton Live

  • New GUI design for the Mixer Mode.
  • Adds support in Mixer Mode for Digital Performer and LUNA.
  • Adds new AudioSwift Mixer Script support for the Mixer Mode in Ableton Live.
  • Adds new option to unlock cursor from the MIDI trackpad when AudioSwift is on.
  • Adds key shortcut to unlock/lock cursor from input devices. Press CTRL + OPT + CMD + F.
  • Adds key shortcut to disable/enable AudioSwift key shortcuts. Press CTRL + OPT + CMD + D.
  • Removes the arrow keys as key shortcuts in AudioSwift. It now requires to press CMD + Arrow key for the corresponding command.
  • Adds link for the AudioSwift Blog in the main menu.
  • Adds warning message when Disable Controllers is clicked in the main menu.
  • Fixes a bug in Pro Tools with the Mixer Mode, when going to the next track in View 3 were causing an infinite loop.


Version 2.3.6 Beta


  • New Surround Controller option in the XY Mode for trackpad and Magic Mouse. It works with Pro Tools and Logic Pro.
  • Adds option to unlock the cursor from other input devices while AudioSwift is on. Using those devices lets you move the cursor without turning AudioSwift off.
  • Adds option to constraint the movement of the X-axis in the XY Mode by pressing the CTRL key.
  • Adds option to send global sustain and aftertouch messages in MPE Mode to all Member channels.
  • The SHIFT key command to turn off AudioSwift is now optional.
  • Changes key shortcut for Show/Close Console window to CMD + H. Press CMD + SHIFT + H to make the Console window always on top.
  • Changes key shortcut for Show/Close Trackpad window to CMD + J. Press CMD + SHIFT + J to make the Console window always on top.
  • The Trackpad window shows the changes of the Type, velocity and MIDI channel in the Trigger Mode.
  • Fixes minor bugs.


Version 2.3.5 Beta


  • Adds 14-bit MIDI CC support for sliders and XY pads.
  • Adds option to choose the controller mode and enable the MIDI keys directly from the Trackpad window.
  • Adds UI changes for the Trackpad window in Trigger Mode. The pads are animated when touched and the tonic notes of the scale selected are highlighted.
  • Adds option to set scales in Trigger Mode type Drums.
  • Adds option to use short throw sliders in Absolute format with the Slider and XY Modes.
  • Adds option to change tracks when the Ableton Live Script is enabled for the Slider Mode. Use the keys Left and Right (requires to download the new AudioSwift Control script version 1.1 and replace it in your Ableton Live folder).
  • Fixes minor bugs.


Version 2.3.4 Beta


  • Adds Ableton Live Control Script for the Slider Mode
  • Adds UI changes in the Console and Trackpad windows for the Slider and XY Modes.
  • Adds option to change transparency of the Console and Trackpad windows
  • Adds option to turn AudioSwift off using a four or five fingers tap gesture.
  • Changes the key shortcut for All Notes Off or CC123 to the “/” key.

Read the Instant Mapping blog post mentioned in the video above.


Version 2.3.3 Beta

  • Adds option to use more than three fingers at the same time in Trigger, Slider and XY Modes.
  • Adds option to use computer keyboard as MIDI Keys (press CMD + K)
  • Fixes minor bugs.

Version 2.3.2 Beta

  • Now AudioSwift doesn’t require to be the foreground app on screen.
  • Plugin windows won’t disappear in Ableton Live, Studio One, Cubase, Bitwig Studio and Digital Performer when AudioSwift is on.
  • Adds option to use DAW shortcuts when AudioSwift is on.
  • Adds 4 more sliders in Slider Mode for a total of 16 sliders.
  • Adds new View 6 in XY Mode with four independent XY pads.
  • Adds option to change middle C in Trigger and Scale Modes.
  • Adds option for sending Channel Pressure messages per note via X or Y axes in MPE mode.
  • Adds option for sending Channel Pressure in Slider and XY modes.
  • Adds key shortcut to disable the X axis temporarily by pressing the Shift key in MPE mode and XY pads.
  • Adds key shortcut H to open/close the Console Window. Press SHIFT + H to make the Console window always on top.
  • Changes key shortcut for opening Trackpad window to J. Adds key shortcut SHIFT + J to make the Trackpad Window on top.
  • Adds key shortcut CMD + Comma to open/close Preferences window.
  • Fixes issue with grayed drop-down menus in Monterey.
  • Fixes an issue when sending different CCs in the X and Y axes in MPE mode.

NEW – AudioSwift 2.3.0 with Bitwig Studio Support & Universal Binary

AudioSwift has been updated to version 2.3.0, a free update to the macOS software that turns your trackpad into a MIDI controller. It’s now Universal Binary with native support for both Intel and Apple Silicon M1 computers, and has integration with Bitwig Studio in Mixer Mode. You can easily control faders and panning in Bitwig Studio using simple touch gestures on the trackpad, just like with other DAWs supported.

This new version also improves the XY Mode in View 1 by separating the controllers per finger for complex modulation in sound design (go to Preferences > Slider & XY). It includes better support for the Magic Mouse when it’s used as a MIDI controller in Mixer Mode and adds a new key shortcut to open the trackpad utility window (press K).

AudioSwift’s configuration with Bitwig Studio in Mixer Mode is done using the third-party script DrivenByMoss. Check out this new video tutorial to see how it works:

Video – Working in Mixer Mode with Bitwig Studio – AudioSwift

AudioSwift 2.3.0 is a free update for all existing users. Click Check for Updates in the app or download the file using the following link:

New in version 2.3.0

  • Adds native support for both Intel & M1 Macs (Universal Binary).
  • Adds Bitwig Studio support in Mixer Mode.
  • Improved XY Mode in View 1; now the controllers can independently send MIDI messages by fingers. Go to Preferences > Slider & XY.
  • Improved Magic Mouse support in Mixer Mode.
  • New keyboard shortcut to open and close the trackpad window (press K).
  • Fixes an issue when changing tracks and sends in Mixer Mode under Big Sur.
  • Fixes an issue with the Touch Bar disappearing when it’s touched.
  • Fixes an issue where Bank D doesn’t appear in the menu in Trigger Mode when the number of pads is set to 15.
  • Fixes an issue when choosing Single Note chord option in Trigger Mode and selects Octave instead.
  • Fixes an issue in XY Mode when clicking the Control Panel causing the Console to not change the view.
  • Drops support for macOS 10.11.6 El Capitan. Now the minimum macOS requirement is 10.12 Sierra.

About Apple Silicon M1 Support & macOS Monterey

The latest AudioSwift version 2.2.4 works with both Intel and M1 Macs on macOS Big Sur, via the Rosetta 2 translation.

I finally got an M1 MacBook Pro and I started porting AudioSwift’s code to be Universal Binary (UB). It’s running natively, however there are a couple of bugs I still need to check out. The next AudioSwift update will also include some new features and I’ll probably release a beta version first for you to try out.

On June 7th Apple announced macOS 12 Monterey, the newest operating system. I haven’t downloaded the beta yet to tell if AudioSwift runs properly. I normally wait for a couple of macOS revisions before doing a test. I’ll keep you informed.

For the last 3 years since AudioSwift was first released, all updates have been free and they will continue like that. I’ll keep maintaining AudioSwift as long as I have health, time and when Apple’s updates still allow the app to do what it’s designed for. I’ll appreciate that if you like AudioSwift, please recommend it to someone else when you have a chance. New purchases help maintaining the app and adding new features.

Best regards,

Nigel Rios
Developer of AudioSwift

Ableton Live 11 in MPE Mode

Ableton has announced Live 11 coming next year. It has new features including comping, improved clips view, more Macros, new devices and finally MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support. This is good news for AudioSwift users and other MPE controllers because we don’t need to have five separated tracks for MPE and edit the MIDI in different clips. Just one track and a single MIDI clip to edit the performance.

I downloaded the Ableton Live 11 Beta to test my Magic Trackpad in Trigger Mode (you can also join the beta program here). They updated Wavetable, Sampler and Arpeggiator to support MPE and we can use third-party MPE compatible plugins. It also comes with a new Max For Live device dedicated for MPE control.

AudioSwift Configuration

To set AudioSwift for MPE in Live, go to Live > Preferences > Link-Tempo-MIDI. There is a new MPE column to enable the AudioSwift 3 input port. Inside the Live’s MPE device, there is also a section where you can set the MPE settings like velocity, pitch bend, pressure and slide, which is control change 74 (CC74). They are per note and they’re transmitted using different MIDI channels.

AudioSwift uses MIDI channels 2, 3, and 4 for this, and it sends global aftertouch (channel pressure) messages using Force Touch on channel 1.

AudioSwift in Trigger Mode (Keys type) sends pitch bend when moving the finger horizontally and CC74 moving vertically. These MPE settings can be changed in AudioSwift > Preferences > Trigger tab. Here is a video demo using Wavetable:

In the Clip Editor there are now three tabs: Notes, Envelopes and Note Expression. We can edit the MPE parameters in the Note Expression tab. Ableton added special lanes to edit the velocity, pitch, slide and pressure envelopes of each note. When using AudioSwift, the pressure information won’t appear here because the trackpad doesn’t send it per note. It will be in the Envelopes tab > MIDI Ctrl > Channel Pressure.

Note Expression View

One thing I found different from using MPE in other DAWs, is that in Ableton Live 11 the pitch bend and slide don’t return to its default value when the finger release the note. The MPE controller will continue sending the values but Live will ignore them after the note-off, which is good depending on the situation.

Third-Party MPE Plugins

After inserting the third-party MPE compatible plugin into a track, go to the device header, right click and choose Enable MPE Mode.

Enable MPE Mode

I tested Audio Damage’s Continua and u-he’s Repro 5. U-he plugins in particular don’t use CC74 as a default parameter control — they use CC1 or Modulation as the polyphonic expression control. This became an issue when trying to edit a MIDI take in the Clip Editor, because I couldn’t find the CC1 envelopes for each note. Although the clip plays well in playback, the CC1 is not under the Note Expression tab or the Envelopes tab. The Envelopes tab will only shows global Modulation on MIDI channel 1. I hope this could be addressed in coming Live 11 beta versions.

Watch Tutorial